About Author

Deepankar Sarkar

~ Inspirational Catalyst, Public Speaker, Learning & Development, OD and Change Management Consultant

Deepankar is an Inspirational Catalyst.  An occasional Actor, You Tuber, Vlogger and Podcaster.  He has travelled and delivered inspirational and learning sessions in three continents. Born in a Bengali family and raised in Delhi. ‘A deadly combination where East meets North.’ He has been narrating stories and facilitating learning sessions for few years now.  He along with Anu and Kaavya is making an attempt to spread the different colours of VIBGYOR in the lives of others and themselves through their YouTube channels #faileditsok and Gubbare shots.

He is a podcaster. You may enjoy his podcast #faileditsok at different platforms e.g. Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts. Headfone and more

He loves to live and help others to enjoy life as well.  He was diagnosed with Diabetes and that inspired him start his travel and food Vlog ‘Adventure of a Diabetic.’

You may visit him at www.faileditsok.com or follow him on Instagram @faileditsok and Facebook, YouTube and Twitter at  #faileditsok